Eskilstuna kommun

Frequently Asked Questions

There are three specializations: Natural science, Social science and Business. You choose six subjects with respect to your choice of specialization. Among natural science the following can be chosen: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environmental systems and societies. The following subjects can be chosen in the Social science discipline: History, Global Politics and Psychology; for the Business option you will study Economics and Business Management. You will also study two languages and mathematics.

Depth is a guiding theme for subject knowledge in IB. Our students will be highly educated in their six subjects which gives them self-confidence. The selection of subject choices is based on requirements decided by universities

You will be eligible to study at both Swedish and universities abroad. However, if you study Swedish B you will also have to have a passing grade from the Swedish national test.

English is the language of instruction for all courses, except the subject Swedish. But all the IB teachers speak Swedish.

It’s not necessary to have gone to an English-language school before starting the IB. Your skills in English will greatly improve during your three years with us.

In the IB you do not get a grade after each course, instead the grades are based on results from written exams and other assignments. Your teachers do not set the grades, this is done by external exam moderators. The examinations are performed at the end of your studies when you are best prepared.

No, like all other academic programs you have to work for good grades. The same goes for the IB but you have fewer subjects. Swedish students are not used to having final exams so the IB exams might feel daunting in the beginning. However, on the IB you receive a lot of individual coaching and teacher support and two years to prepare. You also have a two-week practice period called Mock Exams. In addition to the exams,which you take when you are at your best, the final grade is based on essays and assignments that you complete during the two years.

During the first year they have shared classes in a few subjects. This approach gives the students the opportunity to change between the two programs should they desire to.

We have several exchanges with other countries, for example Spain, Italy, and England. We also have study trips to several European countries. In the future we hope to further develop exchange opportunities with China and Singapore.

The length of the IB program is the same around the world. In Sweden, the first year of gymnasium is a preparing year for the subjects that they will study in IB year two and three. You will follow a course of study which is in many ways similar to samhällsvetenskaps- and naturvetenskapsprogrammet in the Swedish national system.

The advantages of the IB are its high quality, clear structure, and small groups. The teacher has more time per student. Through the years our students have achieved top results within Eskilstuna. IB students are extraordinarily well prepared for the requirements of university coursework and future professions thanks to its work process, in-depth subject knowledge, and a holistic approach to integrating subjects. International-mindedness is central to its concept and is visible in all subjects.

Most of our students come from the svenska grundskolan. All our students would like to study at the university, and many would also like to have the opportunity to study abroad. (An IB diploma facilitates studies abroad.) Several of our students have multicultural backgrounds. Our students are curious and open-minded.

Uppdaterad: 22 April 2024